Base-10 Blocks Teaching Resources
A collection of resources related to Base-10 blocks. Resources include posters and flashcards which support the manipulation of Base-10 blocks to represent number. Assist students to develop their understanding of place value and the base 10 number system through the use of these resources.
- Plus Plan
Tens Number, Word and MAB Block Posters - V2
Posters showing numbers going up in tens.
- Free Plan
Place Value Charts — Printable Maths Mats
Practise place value concepts, addition and subtraction with a printable set of free place value charts.
- Plus Plan
Base-10 Blocks - Pictorial Model Cards
A set of base-10 block cards to compose and decompose numbers including decimals.
- Plus Plan
Tens and Ones - Base 10 Worksheet
Review place value skills with your year 1 pupils using this 1-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Trading Mat
A working mat to explore trading/regrouping when subtracting.
- Plus Plan
Trade It Board Game
A fun, hands-on board game to play in groups when learning to solve subtraction equations that require trading.
- Plus Plan
Random Numbers – Base 10 Flashcards (100-10 000)
A set of 40 Base 10 flashcards of random numbers between 100 and 10 000.
- Plus Plan
1-100 Number Flashcards Popsicle Sticks Blocks
Use these flashcards when learning about numbers and words.
- Plus Plan
1-100 Number Flashcards MAB Blocks
Use these flashcards when learning about numbers and words.
- Plus Plan
Hundreds Number, Word and MAB Block Posters
Posters showing numbers going up in hundreds.
- Plus Plan
Tens Number, Word and MAB Block Posters
Posters showing numbers going up in tens.
- Plus Plan
1-30 Number, Word and MAB Block Posters
Posters showing numbers 1-30.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Base-10 Blocks
Explore an interactive base 10 block manipulator tool made for your primary classroom! Teach place value, help pupils visualise problems, and more!