teaching resource

Rose Garden Zen Classroom Decor Bundle

  • Updated

    Updated:  19 Feb 2024

Transform your classroom into a blooming garden of knowledge with our enchanting Rose Garden Zen Classroom Decor Bundle.

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    Editable:  Google Slides, ZIP

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    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  1 - 7

teaching resource

Rose Garden Zen Classroom Decor Bundle

  • Updated

    Updated:  19 Feb 2024

Transform your classroom into a blooming garden of knowledge with our enchanting Rose Garden Zen Classroom Decor Bundle.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides, ZIP

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  1 - 7

Transform your classroom into a blooming garden of knowledge with our enchanting Rose Garden Zen Classroom Decor Bundle.

Grow Your Garden Theme Classroom With Printable Classroom Decorations

Do you want to bring a bit of the outside world into your classroom this year? Bring the beauty and calming vibes of a traditional rose garden into your classroom with a brand new rose Garden theme classroom decor pack!

The teachers of Teach Starter have made it easy for you to create calm with a garden-zen classroom decor bundle.

We have stocked this decor pack with everything you need to bring the traditional English rose garden inside to your students (minus the thorns, of course!). With its printable letters for bulletin boards, birthday charts, digital teaching presentations, welcome signs, and more, this classroom theme bundle will prepare you to open your classroom door and bring your students into the natural world.

This popular classroom theme can help you create a calming learning space that promotes a feeling of classroom zen to help you and your students focus on what’s important…learning!

20+ Templates to Create a Beautiful Garden-Aesthetic Classroom

Included in this vibrant Garden theme classroom decor bundle are some of the following templates, available to download in easy-to-use editable PowerPoint or Google Slide files:

  • Alphabet Posters
  • Affirmation Posters
  • Class List Spreadsheets
  • Letter Pennants
  • Classroom Timetable
  • Classroom Decorations
  • Desk Name Plate
  • Display Banner
  • Small Group Rotation Posters
  • Birthday Chart
  • Classroom Jobs Chart
  • Display Letters
  • Classroom Welcome Sign
  • Voice Levels Chart
  • Plus More!

classroom zen garden classroom theme printables

How to Grow Your Garden Zen Classroom Decor

This rose garden theme classroom decor pack has you set with printable calming garden classroom decor and digital materials, but what else can you do to bring the garden feel to your room? Here are some tips from our teacher team.

  1. Rose Garden Classroom Flower Globes: Cover large styrofoam balls or paper lanterns in different coloured silk roses. Use a different colour for each ball to and pair them with our grouping posters to create colour-coordinated group signs to hang above each group of student desks.
  2. Grow Your Own Classroom Flower Bouquets – Start the year by studying plant life and making mini-greenhouses to grow your own flower decor.
  3. Create Classroom Zen with a Meditation Corner – Establish a serene meditation corner with soft pillows, soothing colours, and subtle rose-scented diffusers for a touch of relaxation.
  4. Floral Garland Backdrop: Decorate the walls with floral garlands or vines, creating a leafy backdrop that brings the spirit of a garden into the classroom.
  5. Floral Clock: Enhance classroom timekeeping with a floral-themed clock. Decorate the area surrounding your clock with Flower Classroom Clock labels.

Bulletin Board Ideas to Match Your Rose Garden Classroom Decor

Ready to put those printable cut-out decorations and letters to use in building all your displays? The calming hues and beautiful scenes in a rose garden make your classroom serene and enjoyable, but it doesn’t have to stop there! Bring your theme into the hall with these fun bulletin board ideas to make your new classroom theme bloom!

  • ‘Welcome to our Garden!’
  • ‘Back to School and Ready to Grow!’
  • ‘Let the Good Things Grow!’
  • ‘Let’s Grow Together!’
  • Look Who’s Blooming into _______ Grade!

Take Your Garden-Themed Classroom Across the Curriculum!

Your classroom theme doesn’t have to stop with decorating! You can always bring your love of nature into the curriculum as well. Make sure to try out these engaging garden-themed activities too!

Image of National Tree Day – Why Plant a Tree? Infographic

teaching resource

National Tree Day – Why Plant a Tree? Infographic

An infographic poster about the importance of trees in celebration of National Tree Day.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 2 - 6
Image of Science Pattern Match Cards

teaching resource

Science Pattern Match Cards

A set of 89 task cards to help students learn about patterns in nature.

Teach Starter Publishing26 pagesYears: F - 2
Image of Capillary Action of Water in Flowers - Science Experiment Booklet

teaching resource

Capillary Action of Water in Flowers - Science Experiment Booklet

A fun science experiment involving capillary action and biology.

Teach Starter Publishing4 pagesYears: 2 - 6


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