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How to Draw a Snowman — Directed Drawing Video for Children

Teach Starter Publishing
Years: 1 - 6

Teach your pupils how to draw a snowman with a step-by-step video, perfect for directed drawing practice in the primary classroom.

Snowman Drawing for Children

Do you want to … draw … a snowman? We made drawing Frosty easy with this directed drawing activity. You can pause the video at any point for your pupils or rewind (do we still use that word?) so they can catch up as they create their snowman on the page.

This instructional drawing video provides step-by-step instructions for your pupils, teaching them to draw a snowman, all while enhancing their focus and concentration. All that’s required are paper, pencils, and rubbers. Additionally, you might consider offering colouring materials to let them add creative touches to their snowman drawings once they finish.

Snowman Jokes for Children

These snowman jokes will surely bring smiles and laughter to your pupils’ faces as they draw.

  1. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
    An abdominal snowman!
  2. What do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire?
  3. What did one snowman say to the other?
    “Do you smell carrots, too?”
  4. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
    Frosted flakes!
  5. What do you call a snowman with a sunburn?
    A puddle!
  6. Why do snowmen like living at the North Pole?
    Because it is cool!
  7. What happened when the snowman got angry?
    He had a meltdown.
  8. What does a snowman take when he gets sick?
    A chill pill.
  9. Why did the snowman not get married?
    He got cold feet.

How to Build a Marshmallow Snowman

Why not continue the snowman fun with your pupils by building a marshmallow snowman? It is a fun (and tasty) holiday activity they will surely enjoy.

Here are step-by-step directions on how to build one:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Large marshmallows (3 per snowman)
  2. Small marshmallows (about 6 per snowman)
  3. Pretzel sticks or toothpicks
  4. Mini chocolate chips or edible black markers
  5. Orange fondant
  6. Frosting (white or any colour you prefer)
  7. A plate or tray for your snowman


  1. Prepare the Work Area:
    • Start by covering a work surface with wax paper, parchment paper, or a clean tray to make it easy to assemble and decorate your marshmallow snowman.
  2. Build the Base:
    • Take three large marshmallows. These will be the body parts of your snowman: the head, the torso, and the bottom. Stack them on top of each other, securing them with a small amount of frosting between each marshmallow.
  3. Decorate the Face:
    • Using frosting, attach mini chocolate chips as eyes and buttons down the snowman’s body. If you don’t have mini chocolate chips, use edible markers to draw on the eyes and buttons. Add an orange fondant triangle as the carrot nose.
  4. Arms and Accessories:
    • Break pretzel sticks or toothpicks into smaller pieces and insert them into the sides of the middle marshmallow to create arms for your snowman.
  5. Add the Small Marshmallows:
    • Attach small marshmallows around the bottom marshmallow to create the snowman’s base. These will be the snowman’s ‘snowballs.’
  6. Frosting Scarf:
    • Create a scarf by using frosting to draw a line across the snowman’s neck area. You can make the scarf as long or as short as you like. Decorate the scarf with frosting patterns or colours.
  7. Finishing Touches:
    • Add other decorations like candy canes, tiny candies, or even a marshmallow hat. Get creative and personalise the marshmallow snowman as you wish.
  8. Let It Set:
    • Allow your marshmallow snowman to sit for a little while to let the frosting harden and secure the decorations in place.
  9. Display or Enjoy:
    • Once your marshmallow snowman is complete, you can display it as a cute holiday decoration or enjoy eating it!

More Snowman Fun

Why not continue your snowman journey with these teacher-approved snowman resources?

[resource:2726622]  [resource:4627002]  [resource:4584803]

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