Science Teaching Resources for Key Stage 1
- Plus Plan
Uses of Materials Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to explore the materials objects are made of.
- Plus Plan
Science Journal Template
Templates to create science journals for your students.
- Free Plan
Space - Word Wall Vocabulary
Use these space vocabulary words and space terms to unlock the solar system for your primary students as they learn about space, the solar system, and the world far beyond your school.
- Plus Plan
Christmas STEM Project - Elf Trap
Experience hands-on STEM concepts with an engaging Elf Trap Project!
- Plus Plan
Air Resistance Investigation
A hands-on investigation task that allows students to design, create, and evaluate the effectiveness of a parachute.
- Plus Plan
Moon Phases Worksheet - Southern Hemisphere
A worksheet to use when teaching students about the phases of the moon.
- Plus Plan
Design a Musical Instrument Worksheet
A worksheet that can be used as a design technology task that explores the science of sound.
- Plus Plan
All About Clouds - Cloze Worksheet
A cloze activity worksheet to use when learning about clouds.
- Plus Plan
Things That Stretch, Bend and Twist – Hands On Materials
A hands on sorting activity for materials that stretch, bend and twist.
- Plus Plan
Sound Word Wall Vocabulary
Twenty-seven sound vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Life Cycle of a Chicken Poster
Teach your students about the life cycle of a chicken with this colourful classroom poster perfect for early years science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Colours of the Rainbow Poster
Teach the order of colours in the rainbow with this classroom poster and worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Amphibians vs Reptiles Worksheet Pack
Compare Amphibians vs. Reptiles and their characteristics with our printable animal comparison worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Simple Machines Teaching Resource Pack
This 33 page simple machines resource pack includes educational posters, classroom decorations, word wall templates, page borders, worksheets and activities for you to mix and match with your class.
- Free Plan
Bird Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty-three bird related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Back to School STEM Challenge Cards for Years 1-3
Integrate STEM activities into your back-to-school plans by guiding pupils to create a picture frame, name tag and pencil cup.
- Plus Plan
Daily Weather Report – Interactive PowerPoint
This interactive weather activity will help you encourage pupils to become junior weather reporters!
- Plus Plan
Jack's Garden - Science Experiment
A Jack and the Beanstalk themed Science activity.
- Plus Plan
Plant and Animal Sort – Task Cards
A set of task cards and picture cards for sorting plants and animals into groups.
- Plus Plan
The Seasons - Posters
A set of beautifully illustrated posters that depict the seasons and the differences between them.
- Plus Plan
Inherited versus Learned Behaviours Poster
A poster explaining the difference between inherited and learned behaviours.
- Plus Plan
'10 Fun Facts' Template
A template for younger students to use when conducting and recording research.
- Plus Plan
Sun and Moon Effects - Your Shadow Activity
An activity to highlight the changing position of the sun.
- Plus Plan
The Tides Poster
A poster highlighting the tides on Earth and how they are effected by the Moon.
- Plus Plan
Day and Night Venn Diagram
A worksheet for students to brainstorm the similarities and differences between day and night.
- Plus Plan
Hemispheres Worksheet
A worksheet highlighting the hemisphere, equator and country locations.
- Plus Plan
Push and Pull - Vocabulary Worksheet
A worksheet with push and pull content vocabulary and definitions.
- Plus Plan
Push and Pull - Forces Posters
Five posters for forces providing an explanation and pictorial examples.
- Plus Plan
Push and Pull - Playground Forces Worksheet
A worksheet using forces in the playground.
- Plus Plan
Push and Pull - Picture and Sentence Sort Worksheet
A worksheet matching push and pull pictures with sentences.
- Plus Plan
Push and Pull - Inquiry Task
Two inquiry tasks investigating floating and friction.
- Plus Plan
Push and Pull - Fun with Forces Worksheet
A worksheet to assist students with their understanding of forces in everyday life.