The Arts Games for Teachers
- Plus Plan
Three Bears in the Hot-Seat – Role Play Activity
A role-playing activity where students play the role of a character from the fairy tale, The Three Bears.
- Plus Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game Board Template
Create a fun activity for any subject area with this black-and-white board game template.
- Plus Plan
Roll An Elf – Christmas Art Activity
Create a unique elf drawing with a fun dice-roll-directed drawing activity.
- Free Plan
Roll to Create a Gingerbread House
Have some Christmas fun without the mess with a Roll-to-Create Gingerbread House Art activity.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Haunted House Halloween Game
Have some spooky Halloween fun with a Roll-to-Create Halloween Art activity.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Spooky Scene Halloween Game
Create a spooky scene to include in a narrative text using a die and a chart with this fun, hands-on Halloween activity.
- Plus Plan
Drama Game Task Cards
A set of 17 activity cards with instructions for drama games.
- Plus Plan
Oblivious Orchestra – Rhythm Challenge
A fun and challenging game where students try to keep a steady beat.
- Plus Plan
Talkin' Texture Game
A fun game to play when learning about texture.
- Plus Plan
What Am I? – Music and Instruments
A fun game for students to identify various musical instruments and terminology.
- Plus Plan
Famous Artists Card Game
A set of 54 famous artist cards to be used for a variety of card games.
- Plus Plan
Musical ZAP Game - Notes with Rhythm Syllables
A fun group game to play when learning notes and rhythms.
- Plus Plan
Musical ZAP Game
A fun group game to play when learning notes and rhythms.
- Plus Plan
Musical Instruments and Their Families Cards
A set of 48 cards for students to match musical instruments with the family of the orchestra to which they belong.