Movement and physical activity
- Plus Plan
Fitness Bingo Game Cards
Get active in the classroom with this set of fitness bingo cards
- Plus Plan
Ball Game Drills - Task Cards
A set of 4 task cards containing drills and activities to develop ball skills.
- Plus Plan
Mirror Mirror Active Game
A fun active game that can be played by the whole class in pairs.
- Plus Plan
Soccer Coaching Drills - Task Cards
A set of 10 task cards containing drills and activities to develop soccer skills.
- Plus Plan
Chicken Evolution Active Game
A whole class active game that encourages cognitive processing skills, physical activity and social skills.
- Plus Plan
Yes Let's! Active Game
A whole class active game encourages the development of listening skills, confidence and leadership.
- Plus Plan
What Are You Doing? Active Game
A whole class active game that encourages communication skills.
- Plus Plan
Traffic Lights Active Game
A whole class active game that encourages students to develop their listening skills and to follow instructions.
- Plus Plan
Snake Sheds Its Skin Active Game
Take a quick break from learning and encourage teamwork with this fun whole class game.
- Plus Plan
Shazzam! Active Game
A whole class active game that encourages teamwork.