teaching resource

Short and Long Vowels Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated:  08 Dec 2022

Help develop students' phonemic awareness with this interactive activity on short and long vowel sounds.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  1


teaching resource

Short and Long Vowels Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated:  08 Dec 2022

Help develop students' phonemic awareness with this interactive activity on short and long vowel sounds.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Year

    Year:  1

Help develop students' phonemic awareness with this interactive activity on short and long vowel sounds.

Differentiating Between Long and Short Vowel Sounds

Shhhh… Can you hear it? It’s the sound of your students finally hearing the difference between long and short vowels! 

This interactive phonics activity requires students to differentiate long and short vowel sounds in a variety of common words. They say the word that matches the picture, then sort the pictures under the correct heading.

The words included in this resource are:

  • Short and Long A: cap, rain, snake, man, cake, train, flag, baby, can, bat.
  • Short and Long E: egg, bee, cheese, jet, leaf, key, red, bed, tree, bread.
  • Short and Long I: fly, pig, wig, light, kite, six, fish, dice, milk, pie.
  • Short and Long O: bone, dog, boat, bowl, mop, clock, frog, top, coat, soap.
  • Short and Long U: drum, glue, ruler, sun, duck, cube, blue, umbrella, unicorn, bus.

Before You Download

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint version of this resource.

Assign in Google Classroom for students to work on individually. Be sure to open the file in Edit mode, not Presentation mode.

Alternatively, project onto a screen and work through the activities as a whole class.


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