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Changing States of Matter Video – How Long Will It Take to Melt?

Teach Starter Publishing
9 mins | Years: 3

Watch this fun changing states of matter science experiment video with your Year 3 class, and skip the melty classroom mess!

Introduce the Changing States of Matter Without the Mess!

Ready, set … it’s time to experiment with solids in your Year 3 classroom (without all the mess)!

Maybe your students know by now that adding heat to a substance increases its temperature, but then what happens? In this fun (and funny) video that’s aligned with the Australian science curriculum, members of our science teacher team will take your class on an adventure through the changing states of matter. Watch what happens when ice, mozzarella cheese and other solids are placed in a heated frying pan!

Running 11 minutes long, the kid-friendly science experiment video will:

  1. Teach your class how to create a fair test.
  2. Explain how to use the scientific method to make predictions, record and interpret data, and draw conclusions.
  3. Share safety tips for completing experiments.
  4. Show kids a series of temperature tests as our super scientists see what it takes to turn a solid into a liquid.

Our teachers will prompt you at appropriate intervals throughout the video so you know when to hit pause. We’ve even included questions to help get your students thinking like scientists.

By the end of the lesson, your class should be able to:

  • Identify examples of solids turning into liquids
  • Describe the process of changing solids into liquids
  • Explain the scientific principles behind the experiments shown in the video

Best of all? We’ve handled all the materials, so you don’t have to clean up a classroom mess from all those changes of matter!

More Questions to Facilitate Your Changing States of Matter Discussion

Are you looking for more ways to engage your students around the topics discussed in the video? Here are some questions that our teacher team suggests to deepen your students’ understanding of what happens when a solid changes its state:

  1. What materials were used in the experiments?
  2. Can you explain how the process of changing solids into liquids occurred in each experiment?
  3. Did you notice any similarities between the different experiments?
  4. Can you think of any real-life examples where solids turn into liquids?

Make the Most of This States of Matter Video

This resource is available to watch again and again with your Teach Starter subscription, so you can share it with multiple science classes.

We’ve even created a printable Science Experiment – How Long Will It Take to Melt? worksheet that provides students with space to complete each step of the scientific method from beginning to end as they watch the video.

And we didn’t stop there! Check out these other must-have teacher resources for teaching about the states of matter:

Image of States of Matter Properties Venn Diagram

teaching resource

States of Matter Properties Venn Diagram

A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.

Teach Starter Publishing3 pagesYear: 5
Image of Changing States – Worksheet

teaching resource

Changing States – Worksheet

A worksheet to consolidate your students' understanding of state changes from solid to liquid and liquid to solid.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYear: 3
Image of Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases – Worksheet

teaching resource

Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases – Worksheet

A cut and paste activity that explores the properties of solids, liquids and gases.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 3 - 5


Teach Starter Publishing

Teach Starter Publishing

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  • Laica Ayo

    Hi Jo, can we get you to reach out to our support team via the chat icon at the bottom of the page? Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Laica Ayo

    Hi Jo, to better assist you with this, could we get you to reach out to our support team via the chat icon at the bottom of the page? Thanks!

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