Math Center Activities Teaching Resources
Bring your math centers to life with math center activities created by teachers and rigorously reviewed by the expert educators on the Teach Starter team! You'll find math games, math printables, and more for students from kindergarten through elementary school.
Whether it's a set of counting clip cards, task cards for practicing time, a multiplication hidden picture, an interactive puzzle, or any of the other hundreds of unique math center games and activities in this collection, every single resource has been vetted to ensure it's ready for your classroom and your centers!
What Is a Math Center?
In an elementary classroom, a subject-focused center is a place within the room where students can work in small groups or semi-independently or with a small group to review information or a skill they have learned. These engaging spaces give teachers space to differentiate instruction for students and also allow learners to problem solve and practice working independently or with others.
In particular, a math center is a special space in the classroom that allows students to explore new math concepts so they can increase understanding and develop their math skills. These are also sometimes called math learning centers.
Students often work with math manipulatives in math centers, and they may work on a variety of concepts, from fact fluency to place value to geometry. The topic all depends on the math lessons on tap in your classroom!
Math centers may give students a chance to work in mixed groups or may work with academically alike groups or with students with similar or different learning styles or personalities.
How Do Math Centers Help Students?
Like writing and reading centers, math centers give students a chance to try out new concepts and apply the skills and strategies that they've learned in the classroom. As they say, practice makes perfect, and math centers provide students with that practice time.
Math centers have been linked to students' level of confidence in their abilities as young mathematicians, which is linked to their success in the classroom!
- Plus Plan
Symmetry Worksheets
Use this set of eight symmetry worksheets to help students understand symmetry, the line of symmetry, and symmetrical objects.
- Free Plan
Counting Mixed Coins Differentiated Worksheets
Download differentiated printable worksheets and use skip counting and addition skills to determine the value of each coin collection.
- Free Plan
Rounding Games for 4th Graders — Race Up the Rounding Ladder!
Challenge your students with one of our many rounding games for 4th graders — Race Up the Rounding Ladder!
- Free Plan
Addition and Subtraction Problem Solving Task Cards
Practice solving 1- and 2-step word problems by adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers with this set of 16 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Valentine's Day Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures
Follow the color-coded number guides to fill in the hundreds chart square and reveal 9 special Valentine’s Day images.
- Free Plan
Snakes and Ladders Game Board Template
Create a fun activity for any subject area with this black-and-white board game template.
- Free Plan
Roll It, Make It, Expand It! - Place Value Worksheet
A worksheet for students to use when learning to write two-digit numbers in expanded form.
- Free Plan
Battleship Coordinate Plane Game
Use this coordinate plane game to practice plotting ordered pairs on the coordinate grid.
- Free Plan
Printable Ten Frames (Single and Double)
Introduce these printable ten frames to your students to promote number sense with hands-on learning.
- Free Plan
Measurement Conversion Game - SCOOT!
Grab a handy set of 24 measurement conversion task cards to use as a whole class scoot activity.
- Free Plan
Ten Frame Printable Templates
Use these printable ten frames in various math lessons to reinforce number sense and other essential skills.
- Free Plan
Fraction Strips
Promote hands-on learning in your classroom with this set of printable fraction strips.
- Free Plan
Ordering Numbers Worksheets — Dot Day Caterpillar
Share these ordering numbers worksheets with your students to help them master sequencing numbers.
- Free Plan
I Can Count to 5 Mini-Book
Count small objects up to 5 with this printable counting mini book.
- Free Plan
Perimeter and Area Dice Game
Use this area and perimeter dice game as a math center activity when teaching area and perimeter to your 3rd and 4th graders.
- Free Plan
Cover Up! - Addition Facts Game
Develop a love of addition facts with this multiplayer Valentine’s Day board game.
- Plus Plan
Fractions Pizza Game - Lower Grades
A small group or whole class activity to consolidate the concept of fractions (whole, half, quarters and eighths).
- Free Plan
Group It Many Ways – Multiplication Activity
Promote hands-on learning with this activity, where students will practice making equal groups to represent multiplication.
- Free Plan
Comparing Fractions – Sorting Activity
Strengthen fraction comparison skills by sorting cards according to the inequality symbol that makes each statement true.
- Free Plan
Converting Units of Length – Task Cards
Use ratio reasoning to convert the length of metric and customary units with this set of 24 task cards.
- Free Plan
Taking From 10 - Number Facts Board Game
Practice the "Taking from 10" subtraction strategy with this board game.
- Free Plan
Improper Fractions Activity Cards
Provide these improper fractions activity cards to your students to give them a variety of ways to practice converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.
- Free Plan
Fractions on a Number Line - Halves, Fifths, and Tenths
Demonstrate the concept of fractions on a number line with a printable fraction number line display and student reference sheets.
- Free Plan
Multiplying Decimals – Word Problem Task Cards
Solve a variety of word problems by multiplying decimals with this set of 24 task cards.
- Math Center Activities Games
- Math Center Activities Task Cards
- Math Center Activities Worksheets
- Math Center Activities Matchup Games
- Math Center Activities Puzzles
- Math Center Activities Board Games
- Math Center Activities Color by Code
- Math Center Activities Interactive Activities
- Math Center Activities Templates
- Math Center Activities Dominoes
- Math Center Activities Sorting Activities
- Math Center Activities Card Games
- Math Center Activities Dice Games
- Math Center Activities Mazes
- Math Center Activities Cut and Paste Worksheets
- Math Center Activities Tarsia Puzzles
- Math Center Activities Mini Book
- Math Center Activities Bingo
- Math Center Activities Flashcards
- Math Center Activities Posters
- Math Center Activities Projects
- Math Center Activities Craft Activities
- Math Center Activities Escape Room Games
- Math Center Activities Connect the Dots
- Math Center Activities Tracing Worksheets
- Math Center Activities 100 Chart
- Math Center Activities Logic Puzzles
- Math Center Activities Word Searches
- Math Center Activities Instructional Slide Decks
- Math Center Activities Graphic Organizers
- Math Center Activities Labels Signs Decorations
- Math Center Activities Coloring Pages
- Math Center Activities for Pre-K
- Math Center Activities for Kindergarten
- Math Center Activities for 1st Grade
- Math Center Activities for 2nd Grade
- Math Center Activities for 3rd Grade
- Math Center Activities for 4th Grade
- Math Center Activities for 5th Grade
- Math Center Activities for 6th Grade
- Math Center Activities for 7th Grade