Practise adding and subtracting 10 and 100 to a three-digit number.
Use Additive Patterns for 10 More, 10 Less, 100 More and 100 Less!
Use this More and Less Worksheet as an independent activity to practise number pattern recognition.
In this worksheet, students finish each number sequence by adding 10 more, 100 more, 10 less, or 100 less.
In addition to individual student work time, students can practice this skill by using the worksheet in your:
- Maths rotations
- Maths Warm-ups
- Whole-class review (via smartboard)
- Post-lesson exit ticket
More and Less Worksheet Scaffolding and Extension Tips
Got fast finishers? Challenge students who grasp the concept by finding a number that is one hundred more or less than a given four-digit number.
Students can use a place value chart or number line to help them find a number that is 100 more or less of a three-digit number.
Additionally, support struggling students by using this worksheet as an intervention activity or with your guided maths group.
A Variety of Ways to Prepare This Resource
Because our More and Less Worksheet includes an answer sheet, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheet for students to complete.
You can also turn this teaching resource into a sustainable activity! Print a few copies on card and slip them into dry-erase sleeves. Students can record their answers with a dry-erase marker, then erase and reuse.
Or, project the worksheet onto a screen and work through it as a class by having students record their answers in their maths notebooks.
Before You Download
Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. An answer key is also included with this download.
This resource was created by Allie Kleijnjans, a teacher and Teach Starter Collaborator.
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