Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...).
- Free Plan
Th Word List and Digraph Flashcards
Practice reading and spelling words with the Digraph TH with a list of 50 words and accompanying illustrated flash cards.
- Plus Plan
Consonant Digraphs - Interactive Sorting Activity
Practice identifying beginning and ending consonant digraphs with this interactive sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Opinion Writing for 1st Graders - Worksheet Bundle
Help your first graders learn how to write an opinion piece using these handy writing prompt worksheets.
- Plus Plan
100 Day Mini Book
Create a mini-book by completing the 100-item writing prompts and illustrating each page.
- Plus Plan
Trick or Treat Digraphs Worksheet
Sort Halloween Digraphs and color them by code with a fun Halloween Phonics worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Snow Globe Digraphs - Google Interactive
Bring some winter fun into your phonics lessons with an interactive Snowglobe Digraph activity.
- Plus Plan
Write With Your Senses: Daily Descriptive Writing Prompts
Inspire your students to write descriptively using our 20 daily descriptive writing prompts slide deck and graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
All About Insects Mini Book
Learn about creepy crawly insects with a printable book for preschoolers, kindergartners, and first-graders.
- Plus Plan
Farm Activities for Preschoolers - Printable Book
A fill-in-the-blank mini-book to help students learn about things on a farm.