teaching resource

Veterans Day Worksheets-Crossword Puzzle

  • Updated

    Updated:  20 Oct 2023

Learn about Veterans Day at school and build vocabulary with a crossword puzzle.

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  3 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades:  3 - 6

teaching resource

Veterans Day Worksheets-Crossword Puzzle

  • Updated

    Updated:  20 Oct 2023

Learn about Veterans Day at school and build vocabulary with a crossword puzzle.

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  3 Pages

  • Grades

    Grades:  3 - 6

Learn about Veterans Day at school and build vocabulary with a crossword puzzle.

Easy Veterans Day Worksheets for Kids

Introduce and review the facts and events relating to Veterans Day with this engaging crossword puzzle worksheet. Students are challenged to complete the crossword puzzle by completing the answer clues at the bottom. This is just one of Teach Starter’s brand-new Veterans Day printables that will help your students understand the importance of this holiday.

The hidden vocabulary words are: 

bravery silence peace poppy respect
honor Memorial Day World War I Remembrance war
Armistice Day veteran


We’ve included two versions of this crossword puzzle for varying abilities. For older students, provide them with the crossword puzzle without the word bank. For younger students, we recommend using the word bank.

Other Ways to Use Your Veterans Day Printable

There are more ways you can use this crossword puzzle. No one ever said that you must sit down and be quiet to do a crossword puzzle, so try these ideas to make this Veterans Day printable more fun!

  • Host a crossword puzzle contest, with prizes for students who complete it correctly in the shortest time.
  • Create a relay race where teams must complete sections of the crossword one at a time.
  • Encourage students to discuss the clues’ answers and meanings, fostering class discussions about Veterans Day.
  • Include the crossword puzzle as part of your school’s Veterans Day event. It would make an excellent activity for students and visiting veterans to complete together.

Download  Your Veterans Day Printable Today!

Your resources are ready to use with just one click. Don’t miss out – hit Download to download your file, print, and go!

Need More Veterans Day Activities?

Need more resources? Look no further, we have you covered!

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