Explore persuasive language with your students using this set of five persuasive texts on a variety of age-appropriate topics.
Identify Persuasive Language Features
Are you ready to elevate your students’ persuasive writing skills to new heights? This engaging set of five worksheets has been meticulously crafted by our experienced teacher team to help your students master the art of persuasive writing by decoding and analysing real-world examples.
This worksheet pack features five compelling persuasive texts, carefully curated to expose students to diverse writing styles and persuasive techniques used in the real world. Students will delve into the texts by identifying and colour-coding various persuasive language features such as rhetorical questions, emotive language, modality, hyperbole and more. This hands-on approach enhances comprehension and helps students visualise the strategies used by skilled writers.
The persuasive texts included in this worksheet pack are:
- Dogs Make the Best Pets
- Smartphones Should Be Banned From Classrooms
- Homework Should Be Abolished
- Indoor Play Is Better Than Outdoor Play
- Junk Mail Must Be Banned
The reading level of the texts varies from less to more challenging to assist you in catering to a diverse range of ability levels.
This resource downloads as a black-and-white printable PDF or an editable Google Slides file. The download also includes an answer key to make marking fast and easy.
This set of persuasive language features worksheets will equip your students with the skills they need to navigate the world of persuasive writing with confidence!
Classroom Implementation Ideas for These Persuasive Language Worksheets
One of the great advantages of this persuasive language worksheet pack is its versatility! It can used in multiple ways in the classroom, as demonstrated by the suggestions below:
- Whole-Class Activity – Choose one of the texts to display on your interactive whiteboard. As a class, read through the text, then choose various students to come to the board to colour-code the persuasive language. Challenge the students to find other persuasive devices used in the text in addition to the ones listed.
- Collaborative Group Activity – Divide the class into ability groups and assign one of the persuasive texts. Have the students work together to complete the colour-coding activity. This fosters teamwork and exposes students to diverse perspectives.
- Textual Analysis – Take the activity one step further. After the students have identified the persuasive language in the text they are working on, have them write a paragraph in their workbook explaining the effect of each device in persuading the reader to support the author’s viewpoint.
Download and Explore Persuasive Language
Use the Download button above to access your preferred version of this persuasive language worksheet pack. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides template on your personal drive before accessing it.)
As this resource contains answer sheets, you may wish to print one copy only, then remove the answer sheet before making further copies for your students.
Please consider printing these worksheets double-sided for sustainability purposes.
Click for More Persuasive Language Resources!
If you’re keen to explore more teacher-created, curriculum-aligned persuasive language resources, then Teach Starter has you covered. Click below to access more time-saving activities for your persuasive writing lessons!
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Persuasive Devices Worksheet Pack
Explore persuasive language techniques with your students using this nine-page worksheet pack perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
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Persuasive Devices Teaching Slides
Explore persuasive language devices with your students using this detailed and age-appropriate slideshow perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
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List of Persuasive Devices
Download this list of persuasive devices for your students to refer to when writing a persuasive text.
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