teaching resource

Long Vowel O Teams Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated:  14 Dec 2023

Practise identifying the different graphemes that spell the long /o/ sound with this fun boat-themed interactive activity.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  1 - 2

teaching resource

Long Vowel O Teams Interactive Activity

  • Updated

    Updated:  14 Dec 2023

Practise identifying the different graphemes that spell the long /o/ sound with this fun boat-themed interactive activity.

  • Editable

    Editable:  PowerPoint, Google Slides

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Years

    Years:  1 - 2

Practise identifying the different graphemes that spell the long /o/ sound with this fun boat-themed interactive activity.

Sail Across the Seas and Practise the Long O Vowel Sound

In this interactive activity, students will be guided to explore their knowledge of the main spelling combinations that produce the long o sound (oa, ow, oe, and o_e). Some of the interactive activities included are:

  • Sorting words into the different grapheme categories for this sound.
  • Choose either oa, ow, oe, or o_e as the spelling choice for particular words and move these graphemes into the spaces provided.
  • Matching words that contain the long /o/ vowel sound with the correct images.
  • Decoding a sentence with a word that contains the long /o/ sound and matching an image to each of the three sentences provided.
  • Encoding words that contain the long /o/ sound.
  • Find vowel teams in words in simple sentences.
  • Plus more!

Learning About the Long /O/ Vowel Sound

Teaching kids about the long “o” sound involves helping them understand that the letter “o” can make a different sound in various words. The long “o” sound is pronounced like the name of the letter itself and is commonly found in words such as “go,” “bone,” and “note.” 

Various spelling patterns in English can represent the long “o” sound. This interactive activity includes teaching students about the most common:

  • oa
  • ow
  • oe
  • o_e

Download and Explore Today!

Use the dropdown menu to choose between this resource’s PowerPoint version or the Google Slide version. This interactive activity must be used in edit mode to ensure the interactive features work.

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a Teach Starter collaborator.

More Long O Vowel Sound Activities

If you are looking for more activities to help your students grasp this sound, we have you covered…

Image of Long O Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards

teaching resource

Long O Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards

Explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long o’ sound with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 1 - 2
Image of Word Study List - Long O Graphemes

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Word Study List - Long O Graphemes

Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long o’ sound with this extensive list of words.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageYears: 1 - 2
Image of Vowel Teams Sorting Activity (OA, OW and OE)

teaching resource

Vowel Teams Sorting Activity (OA, OW and OE)

Decode words with the OA, OW and OE vowel teams using 18 picture cards with sorting mats.

Teach Starter Publishing6 pagesYears: 1 - 2


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