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A Thinker Like Me – Animated Poem Video

Teach Starter Publishing
2 mins | Years: 4 - 6

Use this short animated poem video with your students to explore and appreciate the poem, 'A Thinker Like Me' by Stephanie Mulrooney.

A Poem Video Perfect for the Primary School Classroom

In the quiet of night, as I lie in my bed,
Unusual questions pop into my head.
They gurgle and fizz through my curious mind,
As I ponder the answers I might never find. 

Introducing ‘A Thinker Like Me,’ a captivating animated poem video narrated by the talented children’s poet, Stephanie Mulrooney.

In this enchanting video poem, young learners are taken on a delightful journey into the mind of a small child who loves to contemplate life’s profound mysteries before drifting off to sleep. With beautiful animated illustrations and an evocative narration, ‘A Thinker Like Me’ encourages children to embrace curiosity and wonder, inspiring them to explore the world around them through the lens of imagination.

How to Use This Poem Video in Your English Lessons

Incorporating ‘A Thinker Like Me’ into your English lessons opens up a world of possibilities for poetry appreciation and literary exploration. You might like to use this engaging video poem in the following ways:

  1. Introduction to Poetic Elements – Use this poem video to introduce your students to the elements of poetry, such as rhyme, rhythm and imagery, in a dynamic and memorable way.
  2. Poetic Themes – After watching the video, discuss the themes and messages conveyed in the poem, encouraging students to express their thoughts and interpretations.
  3. Reading Comprehension – Utilize the video for reading comprehension activities, allowing students to draw upon both literal and inferential comprehension skills.
  4. Poetry Appreciation – Discuss whether or not the students enjoyed the poem. How might different people react to a poem in different ways? What might be the reasons for this?
  5. Add a New Verse – Using the rhyme and rhythm pattern of ‘A Thinker Like Me,’ have the students write a verse of their own that could be added to the middle of the poem.

More Poetry Resources from Teach Starter

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Teach Starter Publishing

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  • Tanya O'Halloran

    I am a member and it won't let me access this video?

    • Heath Teach Starter

      Hi Tanya. I'm sorry you're having trouble accessing the video. Please contact [email protected] and we'll be happy to help you solve the issue.

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