Assess your first graders’ skills with measuring length using a printable 1st Grade Measuring Length Test.
Looking for a Measurement Test for 1st Grade?
You’re in the right place! The Teach Starter team has been working hard to create new math assessments designed around Common Core and TEKS Math standards for 1st grade students. To help you break things up, and check off those measurement standards one-at-a-time, we’ve put together the perfect 1st grade measurement test for you to use to assess your students skills with measuring length!
Standards Aligned Measurement Printables for First Graders
We’ve got you covered with a fully editable 1st Grade measuring length test! This printable measurement assessment is the perfect tool for determining mastery of skills related to measurement for 1st grade students! Over the course of the math test, your students will demonstrate their knowledge of the following –
- Comparing and ordering objects by length using words like shorter and longer
- Identifying objects that are shorter and longer than a given length
- Counting unit cubes to determine the approximate length of an object
- Using informal or non-standard units to measure length
- Estimating length with informal units
Download and Print Your 1st Grade Measurement Test!
This resource is available as an easy-to-use Google Slides or Printable PDF Resource file. To get your copy, click the dropdown arrow on the download button to select your preferred file format. Make your copies, pass them out to your students, and you’re ready to begin!
This resource was created by Brittany Collins, a teacher in Indiana and Teach Starter collaborator.
Even More Printable Measurement Activities for 1st Grade
Don’t stop there! Make sure you grab these measurement activities for 1st grade before you go!

teaching resource
Measurement Math Center - Standard & Nonstandard Units
Create an easily differentiated measurement math center with a printable measurement task cards.

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Measuring with Dinosaur Footprints - Hands-On Math Task
Engage your students in learning about informal measurement with a 'Dino-Mite' hands-on measurement activity in which they use dinosaur footprints to measure objects around the classroom.

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Marine Measuring With Nonstandard Units Interactive
Dive into measurement with informal units using an engaging ocean-themed interactive measurement activity.
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