Practice measuring with informal units with an exciting movie-themed interactive drag-and-drop activity.
Measure Like Movie Stars With Drag and Drop Activities!
Get ready to make measurement the star of the show with brand-new interactive resources from Teach Starter! This year, we’re excited to help even our youngest students make sense of the world of measurement with engaging activities surrounding informal units of measurement!
As teachers, we know it’s not easy to find the resources you need to teach little learners the foundations of measurement. That’s why we’ve created a fun interactive activity perfect for use as a whole-group activity, small-group activity, or even an independent activity on an iPad or computer.
Informal Measurement at the Movies! Digital Learning Activity
This engaging Google Slides interactive activity uses the platform’s standard edit mode to invite your learners to measure a variety of objects using popcorn, a tasty option for an informal unit! It is designed for use with students in late kindergarten or first grade.
Over the course of fifteen slides, students will drag and drop pieces of popcorn to measure various objects and then record the measurements using number tiles. It’s the perfect way to excite them about math and learn how to measure using informal units!
Download, Project and Play!
This downloadable teaching resource is available as an Interactive Google Slides Activity. To get your new resource, click the download button. You will be prompted to make your own copy. From there, project the slides on your screen and start playing today!
This resource was created by Brittany Collins, a teacher in Indiana and Teach Starter collaborator.
Even More 1st Grade Measurement Activities!
Before you go, take advantage of a world of educational possibilities! Explore our related resources to enhance your teaching toolkit.

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