Biological sciences
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Biological sciences in Science Year 6 includes:
- ACSSU094 The growth and survival of living things are affected by physical conditions of their environment
- Plus Plan
Critically Endangered Species Task Cards
Explore 64 species and subspecies that are on the critically endangered list with this set of fact cards.
- Plus Plan
Adaptive Animals of the Arctic - Adaptations Worksheets
Explore the adaptations of polar animals and discover how they help them survive with a set of cut-and-paste labelling activity sheets.
- Plus Plan
Animal Adaptations Digital Learning Activity
Discover a variety of structural, behavioural, and physiological adaptations with an Animal Adaptations Digital Learning activity.
- Plus Plan
Animal Adaptations Foldables - Shutter Card Templates
Write and draw about the behavioural, structural, and physiological adaptations of animals from around the world with a set of fun printable shutter card templates.
- Plus Plan
Design the Perfect Dog Breed - Inherited Traits Activity
Investigate inherited traits that parents pass to their offspring with a Create-a-Puppy selective dog breeding project.
- Plus Plan
Rainforest Bird Craft & Writing Template
Pair a fun bird craft and informational writing to create a fun jungle-themed classroom display.
- Plus Plan
Animals that Camouflage PowerPoint
Learn about animals that use camouflage to survive with an engaging Animals that Camouflage teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Rainforest Animal Printables — Adaptation Trading Cards
Discove rainforest animal adaptations and display your learning with miniature rainforest animal report templates.
- Plus Plan
Animals that Hibernate & Migrate Picture Posters
Explore animal hibernation and migration and learn about the animals that use these behavioural adaptations with a printable animal poster pack.
- Plus Plan
Butterfly Camouflage Activity Pack
Experience camouflage in butterflies and create an engaging scientific simulation with our printable camouflage butterfly activity pack.
- Plus Plan
Survival Spotlight - Physical Adaptations Animal Riddle Worksheets
Shine a spotlight on animal adaptations and solve riddles with printable animal adaptation riddle worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Animals in the Tundra Adaptations Trading Cards
Discover the adaptations of animals in the tundra with printable animal trading card templates.
- Plus Plan
What Animals Migrate? Teaching Slide Deck
Discover why animals migrate and which ones make the longest journeys with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Animals that Use Camouflage - Fact File Cards
Discover animals that use camouflage to survive with these printable Animal Fact File cards.
- Plus Plan
Inherited versus Learned Behaviours Poster
Explain the difference between inherited and learned behaviours with a set of printable anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
National Tree Day – The Green Bridge – A Science Investigation
A science investigation embedded in a real-world context, where students design a habitat to meet the needs of specific animals.
- Plus Plan
Monster Mashup - Inherited Traits Activity
Introduce your students to inherited traits and learned behaviours through an exciting Monster Mashup Inherited Traits Activity!
- Plus Plan
Kangaroo Adaptations – Science & Literacy Worksheets
Discover unique kangaroo adaptations with a printable Reading comprehension worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Inherited and Acquired Characteristics -Worksheet Pack
Determine if animal features and characteristics are inherited or acquired traits with an engaging Animal Traits Cut and Paste Worksheet Pack.
- Plus Plan
Animal Traits and Behaviours Anchor Chart
Help your students differentiate between inherited and acquired traits, instincts, and learned behaviours with a printable science anchor chart and note-taking organiser.
- Plus Plan
Acquired or Inherited? Trait Sort
Identify the differences between acquired and inherited traits with an engaging picture sort for years 5 and 6.
- Plus Plan
Instinct vs. Learned Behaviour Sort
Help your students determine the difference between a learned behaviour and an instinct with a thought-provoking sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Hibernation Word Wall - Illustrated
Discover the world of hibernation-related vocabulary with an illustrated hibernating animals word wall display.
- Plus Plan
Monarch Butterfly Migration Map
Use a Monarch Butterfly Migration map to introduce your students to a natural phenomenon of migratory animal behaviour.
- Plus Plan
Plant and Animal Adaptations Teaching Resource Pack
A teaching resource pack of posters, worksheets and activities for teaching animal and plant adaptation and evolution.