Play our converting mixed numbers to improper fractions game with your students for a fun review of fraction conversions.
An Engaging Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions Game
Looking for a fun way to help your students practise fraction conversions? With this converting mixed numbers to improper fractions game, you’ve found it!
This bingo game enables students to practise converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers to improper fractions. It can be easily used with your whole class or a guided group.
This bingo game includes:
- 26 bingo cards
- 26 calling cards
- Instructions
- Answer key
We recommend printing this converting mixed numbers to improper fractions game on cardboard and laminating for longevity.
Variations of Converting Fractions Games
Your students likely already know how to play bingo, so here are a few ideas to spice up this (and other!) converting fractions games:
- Speed Round: For a challenge, set a time limit for conversions (e.g., 10 seconds per fraction).
- Partner Check: Pair students up and let them check each other’s answers after each round.
- Full-Card Bingo: For an extended game, play until students fill every space on their card.
You could also change up this converting mixed numbers to improper fractions game by asking students to create a certain letter or shape on their cards. Your students likely have some great ideas!
Download This Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Activity
This mixed numbers and improper fractions activity is available as both a Google Slides and PDF file. Click the drop-down arrow located on the download button to choose the option that suits your classroom.
This resource was created by Lauren Borst, a teacher and a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Improper Fractions Activities
We have many more mixed number and improper fractions activities to choose from! Take a look at these favourites below.
Play our mixed numbers and improper fractions visual representation bingo with your students to increase their understanding with colorful fraction models. Break out our mixed numbers and improper fractions matching cards for a hands-on way to practise converting and representing amounts more than one. Practice matching improper fractions, mixed numbers, bar models, and fraction number lines with this set of 36 match-up cards.teaching resource
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Visual Representation Bingo
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Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Matching Cards
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Mixed Number - Fraction Model Match-Up
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