Explore the five senses with your students using this engaging five senses activity flipbook.
Flip Through the Senses – Five Senses Activity for Primary Students
Use this five senses activity flip book with your students to explore the five different senses. Each page includes some information about the sense being explored plus an activity to really engage the students in their learning.
More five senses activity ideas for the classroom include.
- Sense Detective: Have students use their senses to solve mysteries in the classroom. Create a scavenger hunt where they must find items based on sensory clues.
- Taste Test Challenge: Set up a blindfolded taste test with various foods and have students guess the flavours, discussing the role of taste and smell in the process.
- Sound Matching Game: Play different sounds and ask students to match them with pictures of their sources, sharpening their auditory recognition skills.
- Texture Exploration: Provide a variety of materials with different textures and have students describe how each one feels, enhancing their sense of touch.
- Sight Experiments: Conduct simple experiments with prisms and colours to demonstrate how our eyes perceive light and colour.
How to Make this Five Senses Activity Flipbook
Preparing this five senses activity is quick and easy with these simple tips:
- Download either the Google Slides or PDF version of this resource. Print one copy first, single-sided.
- On your copier, select “Collate Pages” in your print settings, and load all pages of the first copy into the feed tray.
- You may wish to pre-staple them for easier distribution.
- Have students cut out each flipbook page along the dotted line.
- Enjoy!
Download and Explore the Five Senses Today
Use the dropdown menu to choose between the easy to print PDF version or the editable Google Slide version.
This resource was created by Kaylyn Chupp, a Teach Starter collaborator.
More Five Senses Resources for the Classroom
Looking for more five senses resources to use in the classroom? We have you covered…
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The 5 Senses Classroom Posters
Learn about the five different senses with this poster pack for the classroom.
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Exploring the 5 Senses PowerPoint
A 16 slide PowerPoint Presentation to use when exploring the five senses.
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Five Senses Graphic Organiser
A graphic organiser to use when brainstorming sights, sounds, smells, touches and tastes.
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