teaching resource

Tap It! Letter Sound Recognition Game

  • Updated

    Updated:  17 Nov 2024

Use this letter sound recognition game to help students apply letter-sound correspondences.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  F - 1


teaching resource

Tap It! Letter Sound Recognition Game

  • Updated

    Updated:  17 Nov 2024

Use this letter sound recognition game to help students apply letter-sound correspondences.

  • Curriculum
  • Years

    Years:  F - 1

Use this letter sound recognition game to help students apply letter-sound correspondences.

Play and Learn with Our Letter Sound Recognition Game!

This resource works best when used as a guided reading activity to practise letter-sound correspondences.

To play, shuffle the cards and lay them in a stack upside down in the middle of the playing area. The players will take turns flipping over the cards and saying the letter in the middle of the card and the sound the letter makes. Tap each picture while saying the beginning sound twice and then the word, e.g., /c/-/c/- cat.

It also works well as a whole-class practice activity by projecting each card on the screen and completing the activity together as a class. Why not have a special pointer for the “leader” to use. Call a student up to the front of the room to use the pointer and lead the class through the card. They will LOVE it!

How to Get More Letter Sound Practise out of This Resource

Work on letter-sound identification with your whole class and small reading group with more activities to extend this game even further. 

Gallery Walk (Scoot Activity)

Mix up the cards and hang all 26 around the room to have your students complete a gallery walk. Working either alone or in pairs, assign a task card to each and have them rotate around the cards (on your signal “Scoot!”), practising their letter-sound recognition until they have completed each one.

Big Board Game

This game works best with your reading small group. Lay all the pieces out in one long line as if it were a human-sized board game. Divide students into 2 teams. Players take turns rolling a die and moving that number of spaces (the cards). When they land on a card, the student must identify the letter on the card and the sound that letter makes. If they are unable to provide an answer, they go back to their earlier position on the board. 


During small group instruction, create a grid of 5 cards on top of a table and give each student a fly swatter. Make the sound of one of the visible letter cards and have the students swat the letter card that matches the sound. The first student to swat it correctly sets the card aside in their own pile to keep score. The student with the most cards wins. 

Download this Letter Sound Correspondence Game Today!

Use the drop-down icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource. Print the task cards on thick card for added durability and longevity. Place all game parts in a folder or large envelope for easy access. 

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher and a Teach Starter Collaborator. 

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