Count to tell the number of objects
- Free Plan
Aliens in a Spaceship Counting and Subitizing Game
Download a fun, hands-on game for teaching kids to count and use one-to-one correspondence or to subitize.
- Free Plan
Number Recognition Assessment Pack
Utilize this Number Recognition Assessment Pack to evaluate your students’ progress in recognizing the numbers 0 through 120.
- Free Plan
Ten Frame Printable Templates
Use these printable ten frames in various math lessons to reinforce number sense and other essential skills.
- Free Plan
Order Numbers From Least to Greatest Task Cards (Numbers 1 - 20)
Order numbers from least to greatest with these task cards for numbers 1 - 20.
- Free Plan
Printable Ten Frames (Single and Double)
Introduce these printable ten frames to your students to promote number sense with hands-on learning.
- Free Plan
Ordering Numbers Worksheets — Dot Day Caterpillar
Share these ordering numbers worksheets with your students to help them master sequencing numbers.
- Free Plan
Roll, Count, and Cover - Dot Day Activities
Build fine motor skills and counting skills with a set of printable Roll, Count, and Color Dot Day Activities.
- Free Plan
Counting to 20 Task Cards
Practice counting objects up to 20 with this set of 16 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Cover Up! — Subitizing Numbers Game
Use this subitizing game to help your students instantly recognize the numbers 1 - 6.
- Free Plan
I Can Count to 5 Mini-Book
Count small objects up to 5 with this printable counting mini book.
- Free Plan
Spring "Numberpillars" — Kindergarten Math Center Activity
Match numbers 1-10 with their various visual representations to build a fun mathematical caterpillar!
- Plus Plan
Sequence Puzzle for Numbers 1 - 10 — Gingerbread Man
Share this sequence puzzle with your students for a fun way to practice ordering the numbers 1 - 10.
- Free Plan
Subitizing Activity — Clip Cards (Numbers 1 - 10)
Share this subitizing activity with your students to give them hands-on practice subitizing to 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing to 10 Teaching Slides
Display our Subitizing to 10 Teaching Slides to encourage mathematical discussions in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Games — Leapfrog!
Play this subitizing game in your classroom to help your students practice subitizing small collections.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Small Collections Teaching Slides
Teach your students to subitize with this editable set of Google teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Number Handwriting Practice Worksheets
Provide number handwriting practice to your students with this set of worksheets for the numbers 0 through 20.
- Plus Plan
Number Recognition Worksheets — Numbers 1 - 20
Use these number recognition worksheets to help your students master a variety of math skills for the numbers 1 through 20.
- Plus Plan
Alien-Themed Counting Worksheet
Use these alien-themed counting worksheets to help your students count quantities between 1 and 10.
- Free Plan
Count and Graph Worksheet Pack
Explore counting and graphing skills with this set of three worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Presidents' Day Digital Centers
Celebrate Presidents’ Day with a digital math and literacy activity deck for kindergarten and first grade.
- Plus Plan
100th Day of School Digital Centers
Celebrate the 100th Day of School with a digital 100th Day Interactive Slide activity deck.
- Free Plan
Counting Objects Bear Hunt - Numbers 1-5
Use one-to-one correspondence and basic counting skills with this hands-on game.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers 1-10 "To the Moon!" Game
Play this ordering numbers 1-10 game with your students for a fun way to practice ordering numbers up to 10.
- Plus Plan
Counting to 10 Match-Up Activity
Practice counting to 10 with this set of twenty object and number matching cards.
- Plus Plan
Counting Picture Puzzle - Numbers 6-10
Practice counting 6 to 10 objects and matching groups to numbers through this 15-piece picnic scene picture puzzle
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Worksheets for Kindergarten
Incorporate these subitizing worksheets for kindergarten into your lessons to give your students practice subitizing collections up to 12.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Worksheets
Utilize these subitizing worksheets to help your students learn many ways to subitize to 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Dice - Numbers 1 to 9
Practice subitizing to 9 with your students using this versatile set of dice flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing "Construct-a-City" Activity
Help your students subitize to 5 and beyond with this hands-on subitizing activity for kindergarten.
- Free Plan
Subitizing Assessment Pack
Utilize our Subitizing Assessment Pack to test your students' ability to subitize quantities up to 10.
- Plus Plan
Base Ten Block Matching Cards (Numbers 1 - 120)
Connect base ten block representations with numerals with these multi-use matching cards.