- Plus Plan
Alphabet Handwriting Sheets - Individual
Handwriting sheets for each letter of the alphabet.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create a Magical Story – Dice Game
Get your students writing magical stories during Book Week 2024 with this engaging and interactive “Roll to Create” dice game.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Finding The Main Idea
A set of comprehension task cards to help students find the main idea when reading.
- Plus Plan
Procedural Writing Sequencing Worksheet – How to Wash Your Dog
Use this procedural writing worksheet to teach your students about the importance of sequence in procedure texts.
- Plus Plan
Kangaroo Information Report – Writing Project
Get your students to write a kangaroo information report using this fact file, graphic organiser and writing scaffold.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - What's My Pet?
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Treasure Map
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 8 years and over.
- Free Plan
Phases of the Moon – Comprehension Worksheet
Analyse different moon phases and how their visual appearances change over time with this reading comprehension worksheet.
- Free Plan
Persuasive Text Planning Template (Using OREO)
A planning template for students to use when writing a persuasive text.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist — Structure, Language and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Sequence an Information Report – Cut and Paste Worksheets
Use these information report examples to teach your students about sequencing facts in a logical order.
- Plus Plan
Rhetorical Questions Interactive Activity
Explore rhetorical questions with your students using this digital game perfect for your persuasive writing lessons.
- Plus Plan
Back to School – Listening Skills Refresh PowerPoint
Refresh student listening skills with a Back to School Listening Skill activity and and script.
- Plus Plan
Story Ideas – Character, Setting, and Complication Cards
Help your students choose a topic to write about with this set of 36 character, setting and compilation task cards.
- Free Plan
TEEL Paragraph Structure Poster and Worksheets
Explore the acronym TEEL to help with paragraph technique during persuasive writing lessons.
- Plus Plan
Writing Procedural Texts Teaching Slides
Use this procedural writing PowerPoint to teach your students about the purpose, structural elements and language features of procedure texts.
- Plus Plan
Let's Get Ready to Rock! – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Read and discover the three types of rock with a set of Year 3 Reading Comprehension Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Prompts Posters
A set of 20 posters to display as narrative story prompts for students.
- Plus Plan
Developing Report Writing Skills Teaching Slides
Use this slide deck to teach your students about the purpose, structural elements and language features of information reports.
- Plus Plan
Writing a Narrative – Template
A template for students to use when planning a narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Text Type Poster With Annotations
Display this Persuasive text with annotations to help students identify the structure of this type of text.
- Plus Plan
NAPLAN-Style Assessment Rubric - Persuasive Writing
A NAPLAN-style rubric designed to help teachers to assess students' persuasive writing.
- Plus Plan
NAPLAN-Style Assessment Rubric - Informative Writing
A NAPLAN-style rubric designed to help teachers to assess students' informative writing.
- Plus Plan
A to Z Handwriting Sheets with Upper and Lower Case Letters and Examples
A set of 26 A to Z handwriting sheets with upper and lower case letters and examples.
- Plus Plan
Information Report Text Type Poster With Annotations
Display this information report with annotations to help students identify the structure of this type of text.
- Plus Plan
Procedure Text Type Poster With Annotations
Display this procedure text with annotations to help students identify the structure of a procedure.
- Plus Plan
Using Persuasive Devices Worksheet
Use this persuasive devices worksheet to help your students create persuasive device examples based on a specific topic.
- Plus Plan
Making Inferences Teaching Slides
Teach your students how to make inferences with this 31-slide teaching presentation.
- Free Plan
Readers' Theatre Script - Grandpa's Birthday Surprise
A script which can be used during readers' theatre or Drama sessions, aimed at students 6 years and over.
- Plus Plan
Information Report Writing Template
Use this information report template to help your students correctly structure their informative writing.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Poetry Worksheet - Onomatopoeia
A worksheet to help students understand onomatopoeia in poetry.
- Plus Plan
Genre of the Month - Writing Prompt Grids (Upper)
Introduce your students to a variety of writing genres with our printable genre-specific writing prompt grids.