- Free Plan
Natural vs. Man-Made Features - Sorting Activity
A sorting activity to help students identify the natural and human features of environments.
- Plus Plan
Australian Landform Map
A map of Australia showing the major landforms.
- Plus Plan
Water is Life - Instructional PowerPoint
Learn about the importance of water to life on Earth, along with where water comes from, with an instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Natural Landmarks of Australia - Poster Pack
10 beautifully designed posters about some of Australia's most famous natural landscapes.
- Free Plan
Sustainability Activity - Caring for the Environment
Promote sustainable living with a sustainability sorting activity.
- Free Plan
Water Conservation Foldable
Display different ways to save water with this water conservation foldable.
- Plus Plan
What Makes Australia Unique Posters
A set of 6 educational posters highlighting some of the things that make Australia unique
- Free Plan
Community Helpers - Firefighter Hat Template
Craft a classroom full of firefighter hats with a printable community helper hat template.
- Plus Plan
Rubbish Bin Sorting Activity
Learn about recycling, composting, and sustainable practices for waste management with a fun sorting activity.
- Free Plan
Natural, Managed or Constructed? - Worksheet
A worksheet that explores natural, managed and constructed features.
- Plus Plan
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink and Repair Posters
Explain the concepts behind reducing, reusing, recycling, rethinking and repairing waste with a set of printable sustainability posters.
- Free Plan
Do You See What I See? - Worksheet
A worksheet that explores how features of a local environment may change.
- Free Plan
Acknowledgement of Country Poster
A simple Acknowledgement of Country poster to display in your classroom.
- Free Plan
Map of the Regions of Asia
A map showing the layout, regions and major countries of Asia.
- Plus Plan
Save the Planet - Kids Mini Book
Teach your students to reduce, reuse, and recycle with a printable Save the Planet kid's book.
- Plus Plan
What Can We Recycle? Cut and Paste Worksheet
Remember what to recycle with a cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
How Can We Help Our Planet Mini Book
Help your students learn about how to keep our planet clean with a printable Earth Day book.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disaster Posters - Information
Posters with pictures and information for eight different types of natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
Weather Journal – Mini-Book
Draw and write about the current weather conditions, record weather data and predict what the following day’s forecast will be with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
How to Save Water Poster and Worksheet Pack
Teach your students ways to save water with a printable poster and worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Flipbooks
Display different ways to conserve resources with a set of handy recycling–based foldable interactive notebook templates.
- Plus Plan
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Environmental Word Wall
Help your students learn about recycling and conservation with an illustrated word wall.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Special Place Worksheet
A worksheet that requires your students to draw and explain their special place.
- Free Plan
Natural and Built Environments Sort Activity
A natural and built environments sort activity.
- Plus Plan
Fire Safety Mini Book
Teach your students about fire safety with a printable mini book.
- Plus Plan
Helping the Earth Flipbook
Use this printable recycling flipbook with your students to teach them about ways to help Earth.
- Plus Plan
Write About It! Recycling Writing Prompt Worksheets
Differentiate writing instruction in primary grades with informational writing prompts about recycling and conservation.
- Plus Plan
Types of Weather – Word Search
Review science vocabulary terms with an engaging weather word search.
- Plus Plan
Our Natural and Built Environments - Poster Pack
Poster with definitions and examples of natural and built environments.
- Free Plan
Changes I Can See - Worksheet
A worksheet that explores changes to observable features of the environment.
- Plus Plan
Spaces and Places – Word Wall Vocabulary
30 spaces and places word wall vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
What Places Are Like - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
23 features of places vocabulary word wall cards.