Key Ideas and Details
- Free Plan
Narrative Plot Structure - Story Mountain Template
Use a story mountain template to help your students write narrative stories.
- Plus Plan
Making Predictions Graphic Organizer Pack
Enhance reading comprehension by using these Making Predictions Graphic Organizer templates in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing a Story Graphic Organizers
Help students remember the fundamentals of summarizing a story with this set of fun graphic organizers.
- Plus Plan
Making Inferences Teaching Slides
Teach your students how to make inferences with this 31-slide teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Making Predictions in Reading Worksheet Pack
Practice reading and making predictions with this making predictions in reading worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Predictions in Reading Comprehension Task
Help students to engage with prediction during reading with this predictions in reading comprehension task.
- Plus Plan
Making Predictions PowerPoint
Use this Making Predictions PowerPoint to engage students in the learning of predicting during reading.
- Plus Plan
#SUMitUP Summarizing Activity
Summarize fictional text through this whole-class station activity.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Plot Structure Diagram
A plot diagram for students to refer to when planning narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
How to Summarize Fiction Mini Book
Explore the important factors of summarizing a fiction text with this student mini-book.
- Free Plan
S.W.B.S.T. Summarizing Graphic Organizer
Use this printable SWBST strategy graphic organizer with students to write a summary for a fictional piece of text.
- Plus Plan
What's the Theme? - Graphic Organizer
Outline and determine the theme of a text with this 1-page graphic organizer worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Foldable Inferencing Template
Practice making inferences with this foldable template.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Theme Worksheet
Identify and explain the theme in 3 short story paragraphs provided in this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Templates - Complete Journal
A reading response journal for students to use to engage with text in meaningful and purposeful ways.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Template – Summarizing
Practice summarizing a piece of text with this reading response template.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Science Experiment
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Poster Set
Help students remember what to include in a summary of a fiction text with this easy to use SWBST acronym.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Slide Deck
Build summarizing skills with fiction texts using these teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Anchor Chart
Use this poster to remind your students how to draw conclusions and make inferences from a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Literature Task Cards
A set of 30 literature tasks to assist your students with examining and responding to literature.
- Free Plan
Five Finger Summary - Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use to summarize a fiction text.
- Plus Plan
Reading Comprehension Strategies PowerPoint - Questioning
A 15 slide editable PowerPoint template explaining the reading comprehension strategy of questioning.
- Plus Plan
Read and Roll - Comprehension Dice Game
A fun reading comprehension game to play after reading a fictional text.
- Plus Plan
Making Predictions Game Board
Use this Making Predictions Game Board to engage students in making predictions with short text.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Task Cards
Guide students along their summarizing journey with this set of Fiction texts on task cards for students to summarize.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Teaching Slides
Teach students all about summarizing with 15 teaching slides of summarizing goodness.
- Plus Plan
The Loudest Sound in the World – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a literary text about a princess who demands to hear the loudest sound in the world.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Reading Comprehension Passage and Task Cards - The Curious Crusader
Practice reading comprehension skills with an exciting Halloween reading comprehension activity for 4th graders!
- Plus Plan
Grade 6 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 2
A 76-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Character Analysis: New Year's Activity
Practice inferring how a character would ring in the new year with this 7-activity booklet.
- Plus Plan
Comic – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Find Your Sport – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a comic about all types of sports.