teaching resource

Insulators and Conductors Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated:  01 Nov 2023

Identify different insulators and conductors of thermal and electrical energy with this worksheet.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade:  4


teaching resource

Insulators and Conductors Worksheet

  • Updated

    Updated:  01 Nov 2023

Identify different insulators and conductors of thermal and electrical energy with this worksheet.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grade

    Grade:  4

Identify different insulators and conductors of thermal and electrical energy with this worksheet.

What are Insulators and Conductors?

Are your students learning about insulators and conductors in your science class? Your students may be wondering how to distinguish insulators from conductors. An insulator is a material that does not allow heat or electricity to pass through it. On the other hand, a conductor is a material that allows electricity or heat to pass through it.

The goal of this worksheet is for students to differentiate between electrical and thermal insulators as well as electrical and thermal insulators. Students will look at a variety of pictures and circle the items that fit each category.

An answer key is included with your download to make grading fast and easy!  

Tips for Differentiation + Scaffolding 

For students who need a bit of a challenge, encourage them to list additional items that fit in each category (thermal insulator, electrical conductor, etc.).

Support students who need additional help by using the editable version of the resource and deleting some of the answer choices. Additionally, give students access to previous lessons, assignments, and anchor charts as a means of support.

🖨️ Easily Download & Print

Use the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or editable Google Slides version of this resource. 

Because this resource includes an answer sheet, we recommend you print one copy of the entire file. Then, make photocopies of the blank worksheet for students to complete.

To save paper, we suggest printing this 2-page worksheet double-sided. 

Turn this teaching resource into a sustainable activity by printing on cardstock and slipping it into a dry-erase sleeve. Students can record their answers with a whiteboard marker, then erase and reuse them. 

Additionally, project the worksheet onto a screen and work through it as a class by having students record their answers in their notebooks. 

This resource was created by Lauren Blankenship, a teacher in Florida and Teach Starter Collaborator. 

Don’t stop there! We’ve got more activities to shorten your lesson planning time:  

Image of Insulators & Conductors Sorting Activity

teaching resource

Insulators & Conductors Sorting Activity

Distinguish between insulators and conductors with a picture-based sorting activity.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageGrade: 4
Image of Conductors and Insulators Poster

teaching resource

Conductors and Insulators Poster

A poster highlighting conductors and insulators of heat energy.

Teach Starter Publishing1 pageGrade: 6


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