Science 4.10(A)
explore how structures and functions enable organisms to survive in their environment;
- Plus Plan
Forest Animal Adaptations Trading Cards
Discover the adaptations of animals in the forests and woodlands with printable animal trading card templates.
- Plus Plan
Animals that Hibernate & Migrate Picture Posters
Explore animal hibernation and migration and learn about the animals that use these behavioral adaptations with a printable animal poster pack.
- Plus Plan
Butterfly Camouflage Activity Pack
Experience camouflage in butterflies and create an engaging scientific simulation with our printable butterfly camouflage activity pack.
- Plus Plan
Is It Inherited or Acquired? Traits Worksheets
Introduce your students to inherited and acquired traits with printable basic genetics worksheets for elementary grades.
- Plus Plan
Survival Spotlight - Physical Adaptations Animal Riddle Worksheets
Shine a spotlight on animal adaptations and solve riddles with printable animal adaptation riddle worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Koala Adaptations Comprehension Worksheets for 4th Grade
Learn about the physical and behavioral adaptations of the koala with a set of printable reading comprehension worksheets for 4th grade.
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Animals in the Tundra - Adaptation Trading Cards
Discover the adaptations of animals in the tundra with printable animal trading card templates.
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Roll to Create an Animal - Adaptations Activity
Roll to choose cool animal adaptations for a mystery animal using a fun dice game and report template.
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Animal Adaptations Crossword Puzzle
Use an Animal Adaptations Crossword puzzle to review concepts related to physiological, structural, and behavioral adaptations.
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What Animals Migrate? Teaching Slide Deck
Discover why animals migrate and which ones make the longest journeys with an interactive teaching slide deck.
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Desert Animal Adaptations - Trading Card Templates
Discover amazing desert animals’ adaptations and display your learning with printable animal trading card templates.
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Animals that Use Camouflage - Fact File Cards
Discover animals that camouflage to survive using these printable Animal Fact File cards.
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Animals That Adapt - Research Project & Report
Strengthen your students' understanding of conducting research with an Animal Adaptations research project.
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Amazing Animals With Adaptations - Worksheets
Research and write about amazing animal adaptations with our Amazing Animals Adaptation Worksheets.
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Structural Adaptations Worksheets
Investigate the structural adaptations of animals with various animal adaptation worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Animals With Adaptations - Worksheet Pack
Use these animal adaptation worksheets when teaching students about the structural, behavioral, and physiological adaptations of animals.
- Plus Plan
Deciduous Forest Biome Slide Deck
An 11-slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about deciduous forests.
- Plus Plan
How Organisms Survive – Worksheet
Use this worksheet to identify and describe different animal and plant adaptations which help them survive in their environment.
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Endangered Species Fact Cards
Explore 64 species and subspecies that are on the critically endangered list with this set of fact cards.
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Antarctic Wildlife Poster
A poster highlighting some of the main wildlife found in Antarctica.
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What is a Wetland? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate, and annual rainfall that characterize a wetland environment.
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Rainforest Layers - Poster
A poster that explains the layers of a rainforest.
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The Natural Environment of South America PowerPoint
A 17-slide editable PowerPoint template to use when introducing students to the climate, vegetation, and animals of South America.
- Plus Plan
Tundra PowerPoint
An 11-slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about tundras.
- Plus Plan
Temperate Grassland PowerPoint
An 11-slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about temperate grasslands.
- Plus Plan
Desert PowerPoint
An 11-slide editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when learning about deserts.