teaching resource

Magic E Wand and Word Cards

  • Updated

    Updated:  30 Aug 2023

Create a crafty phonics activity to explore the power of the magic e in CVCe words.

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    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades:  K - 1


teaching resource

Magic E Wand and Word Cards

  • Updated

    Updated:  30 Aug 2023

Create a crafty phonics activity to explore the power of the magic e in CVCe words.

  • Editable

    Editable:  Google Slides

  • Non-Editable

    Non-Editable:  PDF

  • Pages

    Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum
  • Grades

    Grades:  K - 1

Create a crafty phonics activity to explore the power of the magic e in CVCe words.

Swish and Flick! Building Magic-E Skills with Reading Powers

Did you know that teachers are literal magicians in the classroom? Every day they walk in and make it their mission to change the world, one kid at a time. Magically, teachers can bring their students from basic letter recognition to reading silent-e words in a little under two years of school. How is that possible? Like we said before, they’re magical.

🪄Give your students a chance to show off their magical reading skills with our Magic E Wand template and accompanying word cards. Students will love the opportunity to be crafty while also learning about long vowel sounds

To create their magic e-wands, students cut out the magic e-star included in the resource, then attach their star to the end of a popsicle stick.

Students then use their magic e-wands to create new words by placing their wand at the end of each word card. It’s a perfect way to “poof” your struggling readers into reading wizards! There are 32-word cards included in the resource.

Multiple Applications for This Magic E-Resource

A team of dedicated, experienced educators created this resource to support your ELA program. It can be used in whole-class or small-group settings or as an individual activity for more-capable, independent learners.

Whole-class Learning

Provide each student with a word card. Ask each student to place their magic e wand on their card and read out the new CVCe word.

Small-group Learning

As a reading center activity, provide the students with dry-erase boards, markers, and a selection of word cards. Have the students use their magic e-wands to create new words and write them on their boards. 

Individual Extension

Encourage more-confident students to write sentences using word cards or a short story using a selection of CVCe words from the resource.

Have students read books and identify other magic-e words in their texts. They could even put together a classroom anchor chart!

Easily Prepare This Resource for Your Students

Click the Download button to access this resource’s PDF or editable Google Slides version. 

This resource was created by Lisamarie Del Valle, a teacher in Florida and a Teach Starter collaborator.

[resource:4639777] [resource:4717216] [resource:4701380]


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