Present ideas, findings and conclusions in texts and modes that incorporate digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms
- Free Plan
Biography Brochure Template
A brochure template to use when writing biographies.
- Free Plan
Develop a Habitat - Garden Project
A project-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how habitats can be preserved and protected in and around where people live.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of Africa - Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the grasslands of Africa.
- Plus Plan
Classroom Energy Audit Worksheet
An investigation that will have students observing the energy usage in their classroom and proposing action to reduce energy waste.
- Plus Plan
King Charles III Biography Planner Flipbook
Research and learn about King Charles III and discover biography writing.
- Plus Plan
Acclimatised Civilisations: Egypt – Workbook
Learn about the physical and human geography of Egypt and the Sahara Desert with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America — Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the Amazon rainforest in South America.
- Plus Plan
Survival Tips Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how vegetation is used across Australia by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a variety of different ways.
- Plus Plan
Waste Management Investigation - How Much Waste Do We Throw Away?
A practical investigation related to sustainable waste management.
- Plus Plan
Acclimatised Civilisations: Andes Mountains – Workbook
Learn about the physical and human geography of the Andes mountains in South America with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
- Plus Plan
The First Fleet and the British Colonisation of Australia Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the stories of the First Fleet; including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, their experiences following arrival and the impact colonisation had on Indigenous Australians.
- Plus Plan
Australia's First People Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the diversity of Australia's first people and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country.
- Plus Plan
The Importance of Environments Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses the importance of environments to animals and people and the ways in which they can be protected.
- Plus Plan
Sustaining Our World Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses concepts surrounding the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
- Plus Plan
The Age of Exploration, Discovery and Expansion Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the early explorers of the Age of Exploration and the 'discovery' of Australia.
- Plus Plan
The Original Inhabitants
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original inhabitants of Australia.
- Plus Plan
The Continents of Africa and South America Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses the topographical features and the natural environment of the continents of Africa and South America.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Plants
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the importance of natural vegetation to animals and people.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples sourced their food from the land.
- Plus Plan
The First Fleet
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the journey of the First Fleet to Australia.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples used the land for shelter.
- Plus Plan
Indigenous Language Groups
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the diverse range of Indigenous language groups in Australia.
- Plus Plan
First Fleet Assessment Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of the people impacted by the arrival of the First Fleet.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples used the land to make tools.
- Plus Plan
The Dreaming, Stories and Songlines
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the importance of The Dreaming, Dreamtime stories and songlines in Aboriginal cultures.
- Plus Plan
Australia's First People Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of Australia's first people and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the meaning of totems for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Plus Plan
Convict Life
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the life of a convict transported to Australia.
- Plus Plan
Early Explorers Assessment Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of the Age of Exploration and how the journeys of explorers impacted upon other societies.
- Plus Plan
How Much Waste Do We Throw Away?
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will apply waste management strategies to reduce classroom waste.
- Plus Plan
Sustainable Fishing
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate sustainable fishing practices.
- Plus Plan
Adapting to Country/Place
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' ways of living were adapted to the resources of their Country/Place.