Matter Teaching Resources for 6th Grade
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Atoms and Elements Vocabulary Foldables
Use our Chemistry Vocabulary Foldables to highlight key vocabulary terms when learning about atoms and elements on the periodic table.
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5th Grade Matter Properties Worksheet - Scavenger Hunt
Explore the observable properties of matter in the classroom environment with a Matter Properties Worksheet and activity for 5th grade.
- Free Plan
Color the Periodic Table - Worksheet and Poster
Color the periodic table with a printable color-coding worksheet.
- Free Plan
Foldable Graphic Organizer of Matter Properties - 5th & 6th Grade
Introduce your students to observable and measurable properties of matter with a foldable Graphic Organizer of Matter Properties.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Changing States of Matter
Investigates how a substance's state of matter can be changed with a hands-on science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Observing Chemical Reactions Experiment for Kids
Investigates chemical changes and the law of conservation of mass with our Observing Chemical Reactions Experiments.
- Plus Plan
Chemical and Physical Changes in Matter Doodle Notes Template
Use our Chemical and Physical Change Doodle Notes Template to encourage your students to understand more about changes in matter.
- Plus Plan
Physical and Chemical Changes - Sorting Activity
A set of 24 sorting cards to practice identifying physical and chemical changes.
- Plus Plan
Facts of the Matter Teaching Presentation
Introduce your students to matter and change with an engaging interactive teaching presentation for 6th grade.
- Plus Plan
Physical or Chemical Change? - Task Cards
Identify examples of physical and chemical changes in matter with a set of printable task cards.
- Plus Plan
Separating Mixtures - Reading Comprehension Worksheets (5-6)
Explore the techniques used to separate mixtures into separate components with a printable Reading Comprehension worksheet pack for 5th and 6th grade.
- Plus Plan
Chemical Elements and Compounds Matching Activity
Match chemical symbols and formulas with their corresponding elements and compounds with a printable Chemical Elements Matching Game.
- Plus Plan
Physical Properties of Matter Poster Pack
Discover the physical properties of matter with a set of printable Properties of Matter Posters for the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Odd One Out Game- Observable Properties of Matter
Use an exciting 'Odd One Out' Game to practice identifying the observable properties of matter.
- Plus Plan
Characteristics of Matter Graphic Organizer
Use a Characteristics of Matter Graphic Organizer to explore and classify examples of matter in your upper-grade science classes.
- Plus Plan
Ice Cream in a Bag – Removing Heat Experiment
Make Ice Cream in a Bag and discover how removing heat causes matter to change states.
- Plus Plan
Pure Substances, Mixtures and Separation Techniques Teaching Slides
Teach a chemistry unit on pure substances, mixtures and techniques for separating mixtures with an engaging interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Physical and Chemical Changes Foldables
Record your students' learning about physical. and chemical changes with a fun set of printable Interactive Notebook Templates.
- Plus Plan
Methods for Separation of Mixtures Poster Pack
Identify common methods for separation of mixtures with our Separation Techniques Chemistry posters.
- Plus Plan
Physical Properties of Metals Crossword Puzzle
Review vocabulary and and various properties of metals with a printable science crossword puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Mass vs. Weight Poster
Display this poster to help students remember the difference between weight and mass.
- Plus Plan
Physical Properties of Metals – Teaching Slides for 6th Grade
Explore and learn about different properties of metals such as luster, ductility, conductivity and malleability with this set of teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Elements Vocabulary - Crossword Puzzle
A crossword puzzle to practice terms associated with elements.
- Plus Plan
Density Column Science Experiment
A science experiment to use with your students when learning about density.
- Plus Plan
Density Foldable
A foldable to use when learning about density.
- Free Plan
States of Matter Word Wall Vocabulary
Review vocabulary related to matter with a printable illustrated States of Matter Word Wall.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Suck It Up!
A science experiment which investigates the absorptive properties of various materials.
Water Experiments for Kids That Are a Big Hit in the Classroom
Teach kids about density, refraction of light, and more with these fun water experiments for kids that are easy to create in the classroom.